

Saturday, 20 April 2013

How To Set-Up Your Own Diy-Aquaponics-Easy Aquaponic Design

Aquaponics is a food growing method by which you grow plants and aquatic animals in one system and both benefit from each other in a perfect symbiosis. Diy aquaponics is not difficult to make as long as you follow the instructions carefully.

Here is what you need for making aquaponics systems – a frame in which you can put two containers one under the other, two wire baskets and two plastic containers. The bigger one is put on the bottom and is for the fish and the smaller one is put on top for the plants. When you go to the shop to buy the frame make sure that you let the consultant know you need it for diy aquaponics. For the plumbing you need an electric submersible pump which will pump the water to the grow bed; a bypass ball-valve which pumps back water to the fish tank providing more aeration and you can control the amount of water that goes to the grow bed; male and female threaded adapters – the female adapter is put in the right corner of the grow bed, then you put the male adapter on the top of the grow bed. Use some silicone on the bottom to make the connection waterproof; a sandpipe that will exude the water from the grow bed. In order to provide slow watering of the grow bed and quick draining, you need a bell siphon. It is placed in the middle of the grow bed. The media guard that is installed in the far right corner of the grow bed prevents dirt and particles to get into the siphon.

Now that you have put together all the parts of the diy aquaponics you need to add the water in the fish tank and begin to pump it up to the grow bed. Make a test to see that everything is watertight and the pump works properly. If everything is fine, you can fill the grow bed with some growing media like river stones, perlite, etc. It should be something that allows water to flow freely. Now you can add the fish in the lower container and starting plantings. The fish will produce ammonia that will trigger the system to work.

Although it looks a bit complicated, it is a simple system that you can put indoors and watch the plants grow.

                         =>>Click here to get a step by step guide complete with videos<<=

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